Scientific publications
M.Capretti, V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, S.Boria, V.Castorani, Assessing the geometric influence on impact behavior of flax and hybrid composites: experimental and numerical analysis, JMEP, under review.
M.Capretti, G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, V.Castorani, Crashworthiness of flax and hybrid composite tubes subjected to quasi-static axial crushing: experimental and numerical results, Composite Structures, 354, 2025, DOI.
V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, D.Fiumarella, R.Ciardiello, L.Vigna, S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, V.Castorani, Progressive damage analysis of green composite laminates subjected to in-plane crashworthiness, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 239(1), 145–152, 2025, DOI.
V.Giammaria, M.R.Ricciardi, I.Papa, V.Lopresto, S.Boria, V.Antonucci, Numerical and experimental study of flax-basalt composites impact behaviour, In: Lopresto, V., Papa, I. (eds) Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials (DRAF 2024), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, 297-303, 2024, DOI.
M.Capretti, M.R.Ricciardi, I.Papa, V.Lopresto, S.Boria, V.Antonucci, Crashworthiness of c-shaped CFRP composites: numerical and experimental study,In: Lopresto, V., Papa, I. (eds) Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials (DRAF 2024), Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer, 65-76, 2024, DOI.
V.Giammaria, M.Capretti, G.Del Bianco, S.Boria, C.Santulli, Application of Poly(Lactic Acid) Composites in the Automotive Sector: a Critical Review, Polymers, 16(21), 3059, 2024, DOI.
V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, M.Capretti, S.Boria, L.Vigna, A.Calzolari, V.Castorani, Geometry and hybridization effect on the crashworthiness performances of carbon and flax/epoxy composites, Journal of Composites Science, 8(8), 331, 2024, DOI.
G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, M.Capretti, S.Boria, S.Lenci, R.Ciardiello, V.Castorani, Low-velocity impact of carbon, flax and hybrid composites: performance comparison and numerical modeling, Composite Structures, 344, 2024, DOI.
M.Capretti, G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, S.Boria, Natural fibre and hybrid composite thin-walled structures for automotive crashworthiness: a review, Special Issue: Mechanical Behaviour of Advanced Metal and Composite Materials, Materials, 17(10), 2246, 2024, DOI.
M.Capretti, V.Giammaria, C.Santulli, S.Boria, G.Del Bianco, Use of bio-epoxies and their effect on the performance of polymer composites: a critical review, Polymers, 15(24), 4733, 2023, DOI.
V.Giammaria, S.Boria, F.Sarasini, J.Tirillò, F.Cognigni, M.Rossi, B.Fischer, J.Pornbacher, Low-velocity impact behaviour of biocomposite laminates reinforced by flax and basalt fibres at various temperatures: analytical, numerical and experimental results, Composite Structures, 322, 2023, DOI.
G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, S.Boria, D.Fiumarella, R.Ciardiello, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, V.Castorani, Flax and hemp composites: mechanical characterization and numerical modeling, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 1-13, 2023, DOI.
V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, E.Raponi, D.Fiumarella, R.Ciardiello, S.Boria, F.Duddeck, G.Belingardi, Material parameter optimization of flax/epoxy composite laminates under low-velocity impact, Composite Structures, 321, 2023, DOI.
E.Raponi, S.Boria, V.Giammaria, B.Fischer, J.Pornbacher, F.Sarasini, J.Tirillò, Effect of basalt intraply hybridization on the damage tolerance of flax laminates: experimental analysis and analytical modeling under low-velocity impact, Composite Structures, 287, 2022, DOI.
E.Raponi, D.Fiumarella, S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Methodology for parameter identification on a thermoplastic composite crush absorber by the sequential response surface method and efficient global optimization, Composite Structures, 2021, DOI.
R.Lot, V.Del Rosso, S.Boria, A.Andreucci, A.Nardini, A.Ranalli, A sensorless traction strategy for all-wheel drive electric motorcycles , Vehicle System Dynamics, 60:11, 3668-3693, 2021, DOI.
E.Raponi, C.Sergi, S.Boria, J.Tirillò, F.Sarasini, A.Calzolari, Temperature effect on impact response of flax/epoxy laminates: analytical, numerical and experimental results, Composite Structures, 274, 2021, DOI.
C.Sergi, S.Boria, F.Sarasini, P.Russo, L.Vitiello, E.Barbero, S.Sanchez-Saez, J.Tirillò, Experimental and finite element analysis of the impact response of agglomerated cork and its intraply hybrid flax/basalt sandwich structures, Composite Structures, 272, 2021, DOI.
D.Fiumarella, S.Boria, G.Belingardi, A.Scattina, Experimental Characterization and Finite Element Modelling of a thermoplastic composite lamina subjected to large shear deformation, Material Design and Processing Communication, 3(2), 2021, DOI.
L.Biagetti,A.Kochar,C.Cristalli,S.Boria, Cognitive Grasping System: An accurate grasping solution for industrial robotic manipulation using convolutional neural network, Procedia Manufacturing, 51, 32-37, 2020, DOI.
S.Boria, C.Santulli, E.Raponi, F.Sarasini, J.Tirillò, Analytical modeling and experimental validation of the low velocity impact response of hemp and hemp/glass thermoset composites, Journal of Composite Materials, 54(3), 409-421,2020, DOI.
D.Fiumarella, S.Boria, G.Belingardi, A.Scattina, Experimental and numerical analysis of a thermoplastic lamina for composite material, Procedia Structural Integrity, 24, 11-27, 2019, DOI.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Experimental investigation on a fully thermoplastic composite subjected to repeated impacts, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 233 (19-20), 6985-7002, 2019, DOI.
S.Boria, G.Belingardi, D.Fiumarella, A.Scattina, Experimental crushing analysis of thermoplastic and hybrid composites, Composite Structures, 226, 2019, DOI.
S.Boria, Sensitivity analysis of material model parameters to reproduce crushing of composite tubes, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 28 (6), 3267-3280, 2019, DOI.
E.Raponi, M.Bujny, M.Olhofer, N.Aulig, S.Boria, F.Duddeck, Kriging-Assisted topology optimization of crash structures, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 348, 730-752, 2019, DOI.
S.Boria, C.Santulli, E.Raponi, F.Sarasini, J.Tirillò, Evaluation of a new green composite solution for wind turbine blades, Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design, 2 (2), 141-150, 2019, DOI.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Thermosetting and thermoplastic impact attenuator under axial loading, Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design, 2 (2), 129-139, 2019, DOI.
S.Boria, E.Raponi, F.Sarasini, J.Tirillò, L.Lampani, Green sandwich structures under impact: experimental vs numerical analysis, Procedia Structural Integrity, 12, 317-329, 2018, DOI.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, Energy absorption capability of laminated plates made of fully thermoplastic composite, Part C: Journal Mechanical Engineering Science, 232 (8), 1389-1401, 2018, DOI.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Axial crushing of metal-composite hybrid tubes: experimental analysis, Procedia Structural Integrity, 8, 102-117, 2018, DOI.
S.Boria, Analysis and design of a crash attenuator for a lightweight racing car, International Journal of Automotive Composite, 3(2/3/4), 112-126, 2017, DOI.
S.Boria, C.Santulli, F.Sarasini, J.Tirillò, A.P.Caruso, M.Infantino, Potential of wool felts in combination with glass fibres: Mechanical and low velocity impact assessment, Composites Part B, 118, 158-168, 2017, DOI.
S.Boria, J.Obradovic, G.Belingardi, On design optimization of a composite impact attenuator under dynamic axial crushing, FME Transactions, 45 (3), 435-440, 2017.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Impact behaviour of a fully thermoplastic composite, Composite Structures, 167, 63-75, 2017, DOI.
S.Boria, A.Pavlovic, C.Fragassa, C.Santulli, Modeling of falling weight impact behavior of hybrid basalt/flax vinylester composites, Procedia Engineering, 167, 223-230, 2016, DOI.
S.Boria, Numerical and experimental analysis of an impact attenuator in sandwich material for racing application, International Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology Research, 5 (6), 1909-1913, 2016.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Experimental evaluation of a fully recyclable thermoplastic composite, Composite Structures, 140, 21-35, 2016, DOI.
S.Boria, S.Pettinari, F.Giannoni, G.Cosimi, Analytical and numerical analysis of composite impact attenuators, Composite Structures, 156, 348-355, 2016, DOI.
S.Boria, S.Maccagnani, R.Giambò, F.Giannoni, Crashworthiness and lightweight design of an innovative microcar, International Journal of Automotive Composites, 1 (4), 313-332, 2015, DOI.
S.Boria, J.Obradovic, G.Belingardi, Experimental and numerical investigations of the impact behaviour of composite frontal crash structures, Composites Part B, 79, 20-27, 2015, DOI.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Axial energy absorption of CFRP truncated cones, Composite Structures, 130, 18-28, 2015, DOI.
S.Boria, G.Belingardi, F.Giannoni, A crashworthy problem on composite structures using a mathematical approach, Procedia Engineering, 88, 125-132, 2014, DOI.
S.Boria, S.Pettinari, Energy absorbed by composite conical structures in axial crushing, Advanced Composites Letters, 23 (1), 11-16, 2014.
S.Boria, S.Pettinari, Mathematical design of electric vehicle impact attenuators: metallic vs composite material, Composite Structures, 115, 51-59, 2014, DOI.
S.Boria, S.Pettinari, F.Giannoni, Theoretical analysis on the collapse mechanisms of thin walled composite tubes, Composite Structures, 103, 43-49, 2013, DOI.
S.Boria, G.Belingardi, Numerical investigation of energy absorbers in composite materials for automotive applications, International Journal of Crashworthiness, 17 (4), 345-356, 2012, ISSN: 1358-8265, DOI.
J.Obradovic, S.Boria, G.Belingardi, Lightweight design and crash analysis of composite frontal impact energy absorbing structures, Composite Structures, 94 (2), 423-430, 2012, ISSN: 0263-8223, DOI.
S.Boria, Behaviour of an impact attenuator for Formula SAE car under dynamic loading, International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, 2 (2), 45-53, 2010, ISSN: 0975-3540,DOI.
E.Raponi, M.Bujny, M.Olhofer, S.Boria, F.Duddeck, Hybrid Strategy coupling EGO and CMA-ES for Structural Topology Optimization in Statics and Crashworthiness, In: Merelo J.J., Garibaldi J., Linares-Barranco A., Warwick K., Madani K. (eds) Computational Intelligence, IJCCI 2019, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer, Cham, vol. 922, 55-84, 2021, DOI.
S.Boria, Attenuators, In: International Encyclopedia of Transportation 1st Edition, Ed. Roger Vickerman, Elsevier Ltd., vol.2, 63-76, 2021, ISBN: 9780081026717, DOI.
S.Boria, Thin-walled truncated conical structures under axial collapse: analysis of crushing parameters, In: Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials, Ed. V.Lopresto, A.Angella, S.Abrate, Woodhead Publishing, 335-363, 2017, ISBN: 978-0-081-00887-4, DOI.
S.Boria, Lightweight design and crash analysis of composites, In: Lightweight Composite Structures in Transport: Design, Manufacturing, Analysis and Performance, Ed. J.Njuguna, Woodhead Publishing, 329-359, 2016, ISBN: 978-1-782-42325-6.
S.Boria, Design solutions to improve CFRP crash-box impact efficiency for racing applications, In: Advanced composite materials for automotive applications: structural integrity and crashworthiness, Ed. A.Elmarakbi, John Wiley & Sons, 205-226, 2013, ISBN: 978-1-118-42386-8, DOI.
G.Belingardi, S.Boria, J.Obradovic, Energy absorbing sacrificial structures made of composite materials for vehicle crash design, In: Dynamic Failure of Composite and Sandwich Structures, Solid Mechanics and Its Applications, Ed. S.Abrate et al., Springer, 192, 577-609, 2013, ISBN: 978-94-007-5328-0, DOI.
A.Arteconi, M.Moglie, F.Polonara, S.Boria, M.L.Corradini, F.Giannoni, Sviluppo di un modello matematico per uno scambiatore geotermico a spirale, In: Sistemi avanzati di produzione per geotermia - Risultati del progetto di ricerca I.S.SO.CO.RE e Regione Marche, Energy Resources, 109-125, 2009.
S.Boria, N.Egidi, L.Fatone, J.Giacomini, P.Maponi, R.Piombin, Improved computational techniques for heat sources localization, V International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications in Science and Engineering (ICMASE 2024), September 2024, Coimbra.
G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, M.Capretti, S.Boria, S.Lenci, R.Ciardiello, V.Castorani, Experimental and numerical investigation on low velocity impact of carbon, flax and hybrid composites, 27th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS27), September 2024, Ravenna.
M.Capretti, G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, S.Boria, V.Castorani, Numerical and experimental investigation of energy absorption performance in natural fiber and hybrid tubes under axial crushing, 53° Convegno AIAS 2024, September 2024, Napoli.
V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, M.Capretti, S.Boria, Possible solutions for the application of flax fibre reinforced composites in the automotive sector: an overview, International Conference on the Dynamic Behaviour of Composites (DyCOMP2024), September 2024, Enna.
M.Capretti, V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, S.Boria, V.Castorani, On design and optimization of flax and hybrid composite tubular structures subject axial crushing, 21th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM21), July 2024, Nantes.
V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, M.Capretti, S.Boria, L.Vigna, A.Calzolari, V.Castorani, Effect of hybridization on the crashworthiness performances of carbon and flax/epoxy composites, 9th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (Mechcomp9), June 2024, Porto.
V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, M.Capretti, S.Boria, Shape influence on the crashworthiness performance of flax and hybrid/epoxy composites, 4th World Conference on advanced materials for defense (AUXDEFENSE 2024), June 2024, Braga.
M.Capretti, V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, S.Boria, V.Castorani, Assessing the geometric influence of impact behavior of flax and hybrid composites: experimental and numerical analysis, 5th International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials (DRAF 2024), June 2024, Ischia.
V.Giammaria, M.R.Ricciardi, I.Papa, V.Lopresto, A.Langella, S.Boria, V.Antonucci, Numerical and experimental study of flax-basalt composites impact behavior, 5th International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials (DRAF 2024), June 2024, Ischia.
M.Capretti, M.R.Ricciardi, I.Papa, V.Lopresto, S.Boria, V.Antonucci, Crashworthiness of c-shaped CFRP composites: a numerical and experimental study, 5th International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials (DRAF 2024), June 2024, Ischia.
C.Santulli, S.Boria, G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, M.Capretti, V.Castorani, Green composites reinforced with sisal fabric: a preliminary investigation on mechanical response, COMPOSITES 2024 International Conference, March 2024, Seville.
M.Capretti, G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, V.Castorani, Modelling and optimization of natural fiber tubular structures subjected to axial crushing, COMPOSITES 2023 - IX ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on the Mechanical Response of Composites, September 2023, Trapani.
V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, M.Capretti, S.Boria, L.Vigna, A.Calzolari, V.Castorani, G.Sebastiani, Carbon-flax hybrid composites for crashworthiness applications: experimental and numerical analysis, 52° Convegno AIAS 2023, September 2023, Genova.
G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, M.Capretti, S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, V.Castorani, D.Incaini, G.Sebastiani, Energy absorption capability of natural fiber tubular structures subjected to axial crushing, 26th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS26), June 2023, Porto.
V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, M.Capretti, D.Fiumarella, S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, L.Vigna, A.Calzolari, Experimental and numerical analysis on carbon-flax/epoxy laminates: delamination and in-plane crashworthiness, 6th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF), June 2023, Madeira.
V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, E.Raponi, S.Boria, F.Duddeck, Material parameter optimization of flax/epoxy composite laminates under low-velocity impact, 1st QFNU-UNICAM Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics, November 2022, virtual.
G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, S.Boria, D.Fiumarella, R.Ciardiello, L.Vigna, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, V.Castorani, Flax and hemp composites: mechanical characterization and numerical modeling, 1st QFNU-UNICAM Conference on Pure and Applied Mathematics, November 2022, virtual.
G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, S.Boria, D.Fiumarella, R.Ciardiello, L.Vigna, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, V.Castorani, Energy absorption capability of flax and hemp reinforced composites, 51° Convegno AIAS 2022, Padova.
D.Fiumarella, S.Boria, V.Castorani, G.Gong, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Discontinuous fiber composite material produced with in-production prepreg scraps: influence of the chop shape on the mechanical response, 51° Convegno AIAS 2022, Padova.
G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, S.Boria, Modeling and simulation of automotive crash-box using natural fiber reinforced composites, 2nd International Conference on Computations for Science and Engineering (ICCSE2), August-September 2022, Rimini.
V.Giammaria, G.Del Bianco, E.Raponi, S.Boria, F.Duddeck, Optimization of green composite laminates under impact, 25th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS25), July 2022, Porto.
V. Giammaria, G. Del Bianco, D. Fiumarella, R. Ciardiello, L. Vigna, S. Boria, A. Scattina, G. Belingardi, V. Castorani, Progressive damage analysis of green composite laminates subjected to in-plane crashworthiness, 4th International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials (DRAF 2022), June 2022, Ischia.
G. Del Bianco, V. Giammaria, S. Boria, D. Fiumarella, R. Ciardiello, A. Scattina, G. Belingardi, V. Castorani, Flax and hemp composites: mechanical characterization and numerical modelling, 4th International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials (DRAF 2022), June 2022, Ischia.
V. Giammaria, S. Boria, F. Sarasini, J. Tirillò, B. Fischer, J. Pörnbacher, Low-velocity impact behaviour of epoxy-based biocomposites reinforced with flax, basalt and hybrid fibres at various temperatures: analytical, numerical and experimental results, 4th International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials (DRAF 2022), June 2022, Ischia.
D.Fiumarella, G.Belingardi, S.Boria, V.Castorani, A.Nardinocchi, A.Scattina, Lightweight components manufactured with in-production composite scraps: mechanical properties and application perspectives, CO2 Reduction for Transportation Systems Conference, June 2022, Torino.
S.Boria, G.Del Bianco, V.Giammaria, Finite element analysis of natural fibre composites under impact loading, 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2022), June 2022, Oslo.
V.Del Rosso, A.Andreucci, S.Boria, M.L.Corradini, A.Ranalli, Mechanical fault detection for induction motors based on vibration analysis: a case study, 47th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2021), October 2021, virtual.
L.Biagetti,A.Kochar,C.Cristalli,S.Boria, Cognitive Grasping System: An accurate grasping solution for industrial robotic manipulation using convolutional neural network, 30th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing (FAIM 2021), September 2021, virtual.
D.Fiumarella, G.Belingardi, S.Boria, A.Scattina, V.Castorani, A.Nardinocchi, Prove sperimentali e simulazione di processo di componenti prodotti con scarti di produzione di PrePreg, 50° Convegno AIAS 2021, virtual.
E.Raponi, S.Boria, V.Giammaria, F.Sarasini, J.Tirillò, A preliminary analytical approach to model the low-velocity impact behavior of flax, basalt and hybrid composite laminates, 24th International Conference on Composite Structures (ICCS24), June 2021, Porto.
E.Raponi, H.Wang, M.Bujny, S.Boria, C.Doerr, High Dimensional Bayesian Optimization assisted by Principal Component Analysis, Sixteenth International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN XVI), September 2020, Leiden, Vol. 12269, Springer, 169–183, DOI.
D.Fiumarella, G.Belingardi, S.Boria, A.Scattina, Numerical simulation of an impact attenuator made of thermoplastic composite material, 1st European Conference on Crashworthiness of Composite Structures, November 2019, Belfast.
E.Raponi, M.Bujny, M.Olhofer, S.Boria, F.Duddeck, Hybrid kriging-assisted level set method for structural topology optimization, Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence, September 2019, Wien, Volume 1, pages 70-81, DOI.
D.Fiumarella, G.Belingardi, S.Boria, A.Scattina, Experimental and numerical analysis of a thermoplastic lamina for composite materials, 48° Convegno Nazionale AIAS, September 2019, Assisi.
E.Raponi, S.Boria, Parameter optimization of a composite impact attenuator under axial loading, 5th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, July 2019, Lisboa.
S.Boria, E.Raponi, F.Sarasini, J.Tirillò, L.Lampani, Green sandwich structures under impact: experimental vs numerical analysis, 47° Convegno Nazionale AIAS, September 2018, Villa San Giovanni.
S.Boria, C.Santulli, E.Raponi, F.Sarasini, J.Tirillò, Natural fiber composites subjected to low velocity impacts: experimental and analytical approach, 9th International Conference on Computational Methods, August 2018, Roma.
V.Del Rosso, A.Andreucci, S.Boria, M.L.Corradini, R.Giambò, A.Ranalli, Modelling and control of a self-balancing electric motorcycle: preliminary results, The 26th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, June 2018, Zadar (Croatia).
V.Del Rosso, A.Andreucci, S.Boria, M.L.Corradini, R.Giambò, A.Ranalli, Self-balancing electric motorcycle modelling at low speed: preliminary results, 6th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, June 2018, Glasgow (UK).
S.Boria, C.Santulli, E.Raponi, F.Sarasini, J.Tirillò, Evaluation of a new green composite solution for wind turbine blades, International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials, June 2018, Ischia.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Thermosetting and thermoplastic impact attenuator under axial loading, International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials, June 2018, Ischia.
S.Boria, G.Belingardi, Sensitivity analysis of material model parameters to reproduce crushing of composite tubes, International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials, June 2018, Ischia.
V.Del Rosso, A,Andreucci, S.Boria, M.L.Corradini, R.Giambò, A.Ranalli,Self-balancing two-wheel drive electric motorcycle modelling and control: preliminary results, 5th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies, April 2018, Tessaloniki (Greece).
S.Boria, Crashworthiness optimization of an automotive front bumper in composite material, ICMAAE 2017: International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering, November 2017, Dubai.
E.Raponi, M.Bujny, M.Olhofer, N.Aulig, S.Boria, F.Duddeck, Kriging-guided level set method for crash topology optimization, 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, October 2017, Stuttgart.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Analisi sperimentale dello schiacciamento assiale di tubi ibridi metallo-composito, 46° Convegno Nazionale AIAS, September 2017, Pisa.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Repeated impact behaviour of fully thermoplastic laminates, 3rd International Conference on Mechanics of Composites, July 2017, Bologna.
S.Boria, Crashworthiness optimization of an automotive front bumper, VII International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2017, June 2017, Rhodes Island.
S.Boria, J.Obradovic, G.Belingardi, Structural optimization of a composite crash-box using metamodeling techniques, XXVI JUMV International Automotive Conference SCIENCE AND MOTOR VEHICLES 2017, April 2017, Belgrade.
S.Boria, Crashworthiness design issues for a lightweight racing car, International Conference on Automotive Composites, ICAutoC 2016, September 2016, Lisboa.
S.Boria, Lightweight design of composite structures using modified particle swarm optimizer, International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials, September 2016, Ischia.
S.Boria, A.Pavlovic, C.Fragassa, C.Santulli, Modelling of falling weight impact behavior of hybrid basalt/flax vinylester composites, International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials, September 2016, Ischia.
S.Boria, Numerical and experimental analysis of a fully recyclabe thermoplastic composite for energy absorption, European Advanced Materials Congress, August 2016, Stockholm.
S.Boria, E.Raponi, G.Belingardi, F.Giannoni, Searching the energy absorption capability of composite impact attenuators with the particle swarm optimization, 1st International Conference on Impact Loading of Structures and Materials, May 2016, Torino.
C.Santulli, F.Sarasini, S.Boria, J.Tirillò, A.Caruso, M.Infantino, Mechanical and impact characterization of glass/wool felts hybrid laminates, 5th International Conference on Innovative Natural Fibre Composites for Industrial Applications, October 2015, Roma.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Characteristics of thermoplastic composite tube under axial loading, American Society for Composites 30th Technical Conference, September 2015, Michigan.
S.Boria, S.Pettinari, F.Giannoni, G.Cosimi, Analytical and numerical analysis of composite impact attenuators, International Conference on Shells, Plates and Beams, September 2015, Bologna.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Analisi sperimentale di nuovi compositi termoplastici per l'assorbimento energetico, 44° Convegno Nazionale AIAS, September 2015, Messina.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, Investigation on the energy absorption capability of composite crash-box with recyclable thermoplastic material, 20th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM20, July 2015, Copenhagen.
S.Boria, G.Belingardi, F.Giannoni, A crashworthy problem on composite structures using a mathematical approach, International Symposium on Dynamic Response and Failure of Composite Materials, DRaF 2014, September 2014, Ischia.
S.Boria, Ricercare la sicurezza in una microcar elettrica, 43° Convegno Nazionale AIAS, September 2014, Rimini, ISBN: 9788869380259.
S.Boria, A.Scattina, G.Belingardi, Capacità di assorbimento assiale di strutture tronco coniche in materiale composito, 43° Convegno Nazionale AIAS, September 2014, Rimini, ISBN: 9788869380259.
S.Boria, G.Belingardi, Composite impact attenuator with shell and solid modelling, 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM XI-ECCM V-ECFD VI, July 2014, Barcelona.
G.Belingardi, S.Boria, J.Obradovic, Numerical and experimental dynamic analysis for a CFRP formula sae impact attenuator, The 19th International Conference on Composite Materials, ICCM19, July 2013, Montréal.
S.Boria, S.Pettinari, Mathematical and numerical approach for a crashworthy problem, V International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2013, June 2013, Ibiza.
S.Boria, G.Belingardi, F.Giannoni, Choice of design solutions for improving road safety in a city car, International Crashworthiness Conference, ICRASH 2012, July 2012, Milano.
S.Boria, G.Belingardi, Investigation of the most efficient solution for a specific vehicle impact attenuator in cfrp material, June 2012, Venezia.
S.Boria, CFRP automotive members with crash compatibility, International Conference on Mechanics of Nano, Micro and Macro Composite Structures, June 2012, Torino.
G.Belingardi, S.Boria, A.Scattina, Delaminazione sperimentale e numerica in laminati composito, 40° Convegno Nazionale AIAS, September 2011, Palermo, ISBN: 9788895272856.
J.Obradovic, S.Boria, G.Belingardi, Lightweight design and crash analysis of composite frontal impact energy absorbing structures, 16th International Conference on Composite Structures, ICCS16, June 2011, Porto.
G.Belingardi, S.Boria, J.Obradovic, Energy absorbing sacrificial structures made of composite material for vehicle crash design, Workshop "Dynamic failure of composites and sandwich structures", ICA, June 2011, Toulouse.
S.Boria, G.Belingardi, Numerical investigation of energy absorbers in composite materials for automotive applications, International Crashworthiness Conference, ICRASH 2010, September 2010, Washington DC.
S.Boria, G.Belingardi, F.Giannoni, Comportamento di strutture tubolari in CFRP in impatto assiale: analisi di risultati sperimentali, XXXIX Convegno Nazionale AIAS, September 2010, Maratea, ISBN: 978-88-6093-074-3.
S.Boria, G.Belingardi, Numerical and experimental methodology for the design of composite attenuator of vehicle impact, 14th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM14, June 2010, Budapest.
S.Boria, G.Forasassi, Impact attenuator for racing car with composite structure, 9th Seminar on Experimental Techniques and Design in Composite Materials, ETDCM9, September-October 2009, Vicenza.
S.Boria, G.Forasassi, Progressive crushing of a fiber reinforced composite crash-box for a racing car, 9th International Conference on the Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading, DYMAT 2009, September 2009, Brussels, 725-731, ISBN: 9782759804726, DOI.
S.Boria, G.Forasassi, Numerical simulation of crash-test for a Formula SAE car, 21th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicle, ESV 2009, June 2009, Stuttgart.
S.Boria, G.Forasassi, Dynamic behaviour of a crash-box in sandwich material, International conference on simulation based engineering and sciences, TCN CAE 2008, October 2008, Venezia.
S.Boria, G.Forasassi, Crushing behaviour of honeycomb structures – numerical simulation and experiment, 11th International conference on aluminium alloys, ICAA 11, September 2008, Aachen.
S.Boria, G.Forasassi, Crash analysis of an impact attenuator for racing car in sandwich material, 9th FISITA Student Congress, September 2008, Műnchen.
S.Boria, S.Cristofanelli, Progetto di un assorbitore d’urto per una monoposto di Formula SAE, XXXVII Convegno nazionale AIAS, September 2008, Roma, ISBN: 9788887965513.
S.Boria, G.Forasassi, Simulation of a crash-box for racing car based on sandwich material, 5th European congress on computational methods in applied sciences and engineering, ECCOMAS 2008, June 2008, Lido di Venezia, ISBN: 978-84-96736-55-9.
S.Boria, G.Forasassi, Impact analysis of a crash-box for racing car in sandwich material, 10th International LS-DYNA® Users Conference, June 2008, Dearborn, MI.
S.Boria, G.Forasassi, Honeycomb sandwich material modelling for dynamic simulations of a crash-box for racing car, 10th International conference on structures under shock and impact, SUSI - Structures Under Shock and Impact X, May 2008, The Algarve, 167-176, ISSN: 1743-3509, DOI.
G.Forasassi, A.Orsini, R.Bove, S.Boria, A Type b(u) package to store and transport medical sources, Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on the Packaging and Trasportation of radioactive Materials, PATRAM 2007, October 2007, Miami.