XI International Conference on Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED 2025), 26-29 May 2025, Sardegna.
7th International Conference on Natural Fibers (ICNF 2025), 16-18 June 2025, Lisbon.
8th International Conference of Engineering against Failure (ICEAF 2025), 22-25 June 2025, Kalamata, Greece.
8th International Conference on Integrity, Reliability and Failure (IRF2025), 15-18 July 2025, Porto.
10th International Conference on Mechanics of Composites (Mechcomp10), 23-25 July 2025, Porto.
24th International Conference on Composite Materials (ICCM24), 4-8 August 2025, Baltimore.
Università+Impresa=Belumbury Dany
I WANT YOU[ng] 2013: La parola ai giovani marchigiani
CRONACHE MACERATESI: Le meraviglie scientifiche dell'Università di Camerino
CRONACHE MACERATESI: Laurea ad honorem a Maccagnani, l'inventore dell'esoscheletro
FUTURA FESTIVAL 2015: Il prototipo M1 dell'Unicam
TYCHE MAGAZINE - Piccola e sicura:l'auto targata Unicam strizza l'occhio alla Cina
Start Cup Marche 2015: Limix si aggiudica il 1° premio e il premio speciale Gescon
Intervista al talk show "Punti di Vista" di èTvMarche del 19.02.2016
Intervista al talk show "Confronti" di èTvMacerata del 6.04.2016
"Talking Hands" viene premiato alla business plan competition Ecapital (28.04.2016)
Ospite del TG Marche (edizione delle 14:00 del 16.05.2016 dal minuto 5.10'')
Il progetto Talking Hands si aggiudica il R.O.M.E. Prize (15.10.2016)
Intervista a Radio 24 su "Automotive e test di sicurezza" dopo Campus Party Milano (26.08.2017)
Ritratto di scienziato - Scienza e Lode
The article Lightweight design and crash analysis of composite frontal impact energy absorbing structures is recognized by ScienceDirect as one of the Top 25 papers published in Composite Structures in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
The article Numerical investigation of energy absorbers in composite materials for automotive applications is recognized as one among the top ten of the most read and most cited article in International Journal of Crashworthiness from the publication date to the present.
The article Experimental and numerical investigations of the impact behaviour of composite frontal crash structures is recognized by ScienceDirect as one of the Top 25 papers published in Composites Part B: Engineering from July to September 2015.
The paper Crashworthiness optimization of an automotive front bumper in composite material has been selected as the best presentation of the 19th International Conference on Mechanical, Automotive and Aerospace Engineering (November 27-28, 2017 in Dubai).